Simposio internacional joven AEDE-SIE CAMPUS

  Symposium Program

AEDE Symposium Program

Friday 17 / May / 2024


Considerations prior to endodontic treatment

Manuel Peix

The complicated diagnosis of fissures. A stressful challenge

Rafael Cisneros

Diagnosis and treatment of teeth with advanced structure loss; digital restorative planning

Pablo Castelo

What resources do we have from irrigation?

Jorge Domínguez

Coffee Break

Answering some doubts about shuttering

Cristina González

Endo-perio lesions: where worlds come together

Alejandro Peña

Orthograde retreatment; Second chances are full of incredible moments

Pablo Fernández

Apicoformation or regeneration: what option to choose in the non-vital therapy of the immature permanent tooth

Luis Baroni

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